About Empty at the Top:
One woman’s searingly honest personal story highlights the dirty secrets of multilevel marketing (MLM). Learn how relationships are misused for financial gain in this compelling account of a former industry insider and top producer.
This true story of Athena Dean Holtz’s climb to the top before discovering the high personal and spiritual cost is more than an insider exposé. Empty at the Top is a loving revelation and warning of how Christians can be sidetracked by deceptive sales and marketing practices.
This is a revised and updated version of Athena's first book, Consumed by Success, published in 1993.
Together For A Purpose
A unique story of two seasoned travelers who find each other and marry later in life is told from two viewpoints with openness and candor …
This engaging and often humorous narrative written by a high-powered Christian woman publisher and a ready-for-retirement widowed pastor deals with change and criticism, blended families, issues of compatibility, and meshing as a couple.
More than just a love story, this growing-in-faith story touches on what we all long for—belonging, being loved for who we are, and finding a place of service to God and purpose in our everyday lives.
Includes questions for couples or small groups.
We Get You! 30 Women • 30 Stories • One God
Embark on a thirty day journey with thirty extraordinary women, whose powerful stories and words of hope, resilience, and unwavering faith will fill your heart with divine inspiration.
We Get You! 30 Days: 30 Women • 30 Stories • One God, is an invitation to join hands with new friends who have traversed similar trials and circumstances just like you.
Each of the thirty soul-nourishing devotions encompasses a verse of encouragement, an intimate personal or Bible-based story, and a practical application of the truth. To further enrich your spiritual experience, four thought-provoking prompts are included for each devotion, focusing on purpose, practice, prayer, and promise.
Come along with us, and start your day with a dose of We Get You! to breathe life, hope, peace, and encouragement into your heart and mind. Unleash the power of divine grace and let it lead you towards a deeper connection with our loving Father.

“Full Circle is a story of one woman’s struggle to understand her incomparable worth in Christ. Through rejection, rebellion, and fear until she found herself in the clutches of a cult author Athena Dean experienced true redemption, freedom and renewal as she surrendered to Jesus. An important story for anyone who has wandered lost, longing to be found.”
Mary E. DeMuth, Author of Worth Living: How God’s Wild Love for You Makes You Worthy
5 Star Reviews
Athena is a great writer and I was fascinated by this story of WinePress and Pleasant Word Books (I do have a book published by Pleasant Word) and of course had no idea that all of this backstory was happening at the time my book (“Then Along Came an Angel: Messengers of Deliverance”) was published. This book is insightful and well-written although the last 20% or so feels a bit scattered as far as the goals, and where the book is going. I am so grateful that God pulled her out of this and back into a ministry to serve authors. I believe that she was sucked into this mess and was overwhelmed. I believe that she was abused and wounded deeply. I am so glad that God, her friends and her family helped her see the light. I see that she is still healing but I also see her determination and I have no doubt that God will bless both her efforts and the new Redemption Press. This book is a book of miracles and I recommend it if Satan has ever pulled you down into the depths of dispair. There is light above and all you must do is reach for it.
Julie Bonn Blank
Book worth reading Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2019 Verified Purchase Full Circle is a powerful and compelling book about what happens when someone tries to make their own path by allowing work to take over his or her life. From the moment I picked the book up to read, I was captivated. From a broken childhood, a dysfunctional start to adulthood and more, this book has a lot of examples of what not to do.
Athena Holtz experienced numerous lows and highs in both her personal life and her professional life. She went from having it all to losing everything. She illustrates the danger of cults and the damage they can do in all aspects of someone’s life.
At the same time in the second part of the book she does an incredible job of illustrating God’ love and mercy. Through God’s Grace she escapes two cults, restoration with her family, and a second chance in publishing.
So check out this book for yourself
Patti Pierce
A tremendous and raw narrative. Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2021 Verified Purchase
Athena Dean Holtz has provided us with a raw view of what it looks like for even the most broken of us to be redeemed by our Heavenly Father. Her gripping memoir of her life from early childhood into adulthood shares the honest and candid story of a woman who was in desperate need of redemption that only comes through Jesus Christ. To those who bear great burdens, which arguable is probably most of us, this story shows what beauty God can bring from the ashes of our messy lives and turn them into a force for His glory. If you are looking for a quick but gripping read about the truth of who God is in the life of the believer, look no further. Thank you, Athena, for such a real view into how God can use broken lives for His purpose and His glory.
J. Neumann
A Story For Everyone Reviewed in the United States on February 17, 2017 Verified Purchase
When all the previous reviews mention how imperative it is to put your life on hold before you pick up this book, please heed the warning! Seriously, I started this book on Valentine’s Day morning and I almost had to cancel my plans for the evening. I do not say that lightly as I am a very avid reader, writer and editor myself. Athena’s story will grab your heart from page one. I believe that God will speak to you directly while reading “Full Circle” so be prepared to have your faith strengthened and changed- all for the good.
Have we made mistakes in our life? Have we tried to do things over again only to be caught in the same track? What do we do to go forward? Do we trust in ourselves or in something we know is there in each and everyone of us?
This book can help everyone and most importantly it is a book that you will want to share and talk about with others. This is why we were put on this earth to share the good and the bad and the Hope that we all have. This book is the best medicine!
S. Gaines
Warning! DO NOT Pick up this book if you have plans…. you will not put it down. Reviewed in the United States on February 11, 2017 Verified Purchase
Warning: Do not pick up this book, if you are planning something important! That is what happened to me. My plan was to read it over the weekend, but four hours later I awoke to the realization that I had been captured by a love story. It is the embrace of a Father who loves us as we travel through the minefields of the agendas of those who would use and abuse us. It is a story of victory and redemption. It also is an immersion into the murky waters of toxic a church, and an experience that the Grace, the power of God redeems. This story was hope personified. I PURCHASED this book and these are my own opinions. I was also given an unedited copy for my honest opinion.
Fred St Laurent
CEO of The Book Club Network, Bookfun.org and Book Fun Magazine.